In modern society, carrying credit cards, debit cards and identity documents with you has become an important part of daily life. To better protect and organize these important financial tools and identification documents, a leading innovative company has launched a new metal card wallet that comb......
Read MoreMost laser cutting machines are controlled by CNC programs or made into cutting robots. As a precision processing method, laser cutting can cut almost all materials, including two-dimensional cutting or three-dimensional cutting of thin metal plates.
Read MoreThe price of laser cutting equipment is quite expensive, about 1.5 million yuan or more. With the continuous development of the storage tank industry, more and more industries and enterprises have used the storage tank, and more and more enterprises have entered the storage tank industry. However, d......
Read MoreThe air outlet of the air conditioner: place a mobile phone holder at the air outlet of the air conditioner. Generally, the blades of the air outlet are required to be horizontal. The air outlet blades of some models are vertical or round, which are not suitable for placing a mobile phone holder at ......
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